Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Stuttering Student: I'm An Outlaw Stutterer!

Stuttering Student: I'm An Outlaw Stutterer!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

On Cloud Nine

Well, today I realised another passion. Hot air balloon rides. What an amazing invention. So simple yet so rewarding. High above the rat race, quite lterally floating on a breeze, so peaceful and such a rush at the same time. I decided long ago, it was going to be my rich excentric sport, like Sir Richard Branson, but after setting up my new Hot Air Balloon Website, Im discovering that it is actually quite affordable, so I may have to give it up as my rich man sport and just adopt it as my new sport. I would love to hear from others who have already given it a go, or perhaps are a more regular flyer, so dont be shy to post a comment.

Warrick Sullivan

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Two Dollar Ebook Store

Today, after yesterdays financial avalanche, I spent today setting up my first e-commerce website, and Im feeling pretty good about it. Its a new store that sells some cool ebooks for a couple of bucks. It called The Two Dollar Ebook Store. So if you get a chance, dont be shy to pop in and take a look around, and feel free to leave some comments and suggestions. I look forward to your feedback.

Never stop learning.

The Paradigm Shift

Yesterday was quite a magic moment for me. The night before, I went out to the shed only to get knocked over by an overwhelming smell of petrol. Our family car had a hole in its petrol tank creating a pool of gas under the car. It was a no brainer that the car was to be fixed before the family was allowed back in it.

So the next day, off the car went to get the tank fixed. Once the car was lifted up, we discovered quite a number of other safety issues were to be just as high on the list of repairs. Within a few minutes under the car, it was apparent that the car was not going to be fixed for less than what the car is actually worth so it was decided that it was to go to car heaven.

As you might imagine, this was a bit of a shock and judging by my expression, you would think there had been a death in the family. THEN, the man at the garage felt so bad for me that he organized a few quotes from wrecking yards to come and buy the unusable car. I was offer $100 tops. This was not turning out well at all.

Then I started thinking. My family had been driving in that car every day for the last month. With the car in the shape it was in, I suddenly realized I was the luckiest man on the planet and I had a grin from ear to ear to prove it. And also I got to go car shopping. I love car shopping. So when I went back to the garage to finalize the paperwork, the mechanic was surprised to say the least at my new state. It was a great day.

A state of gratitude is a lot of fun.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Through the eyes of a child

Whenever I am asked 'what am I most proud of?', or 'what am I most grateful for?', my reply is both instant and pure. 'My children', I reply. My 3 beautiful boys are the reason I was put on this earth. Any other accomplishment, no matter how significant, pails in comparison.

When those feeling of pride are radiated back to you, it is like no other feeling in the world. Today, I was picking my boys up from creache. Daniel spots me from across the room and says to one of the minders, 'thats my dad', and his face lit up with such joy. Even the minder had to comment on the pride in his voice. Its those magic moments that you just want to hold on to forever, and let them work thier magic on those enevitable days that require every ounce of strength. Its those magic moments that get us through.